Tomorrow, November 30, at 9AM, we will hold our 33rd bargaining session with Sinai. RSVP to receive a link to join the bargaining session, which is the last Sinai has agreed to schedule before our strike.

Since announcing our strike deadline, postdocs across campus have been meeting to sign up for picket shifts together and discuss how to make our strike as impactful as possible.

In over 14 months of bargaining, Sinai has agreed to meet with us for less than 65 hours total, the equivalent of less than five hours per month, while engaging in unlawful conduct that has prompted us to file unfair labor practice charges. With our strike deadline on December 6, Sinai has one week to rectify this conduct and reach a fair agreement to avoid a strike. We encourage all postdocs to attend tomorrow’s session to show Sinai that we need a fair contract NOW, with urgent economic improvements and union rights and protections.

While we remain committed to reaching a fair agreement by December 6, and hope that Sinai intensifies their efforts at tomorrow’s session, we are prepared to strike if we must. Here is how you can participate to make our strike as strong as possible:

  • Sign up to join the picket lines. While on strike, it’s important that all of us come out to the picket lines to make our strike visible and show Sinai the urgency of reaching an agreement. Strike benefits require 20 hours of strike duty per week

  • Ask your PI to sign this letter from concerned faculty urging administration to reach an agreement that avoids a strike

  • Ask your coworkers who are not postdocs to sign the solidarity pledge to respect our picket lines

  • Pledge to contribute to our strike fund which will support postdocs financially burdened by striking and share with your networks

  • Join a strike committee to help plan for a successful strike!

Additional Resources: Strike FAQ and Bargaining Information

As always, please reach out with any questions or concerns. 

Andrea Joseph
SPOC-UAW Bargaining Committee member