Postdocs raise their hands in support of a strike authorization vote, which would give the Bargaining Committee the ability to call a strike if circumstances justify.

We had a successful mass meeting yesterday with over 100 postdocs turning out to hear from their colleagues about the urgency of securing a strong first contract. The meeting ended with postdocs who were present voicing strong support for the Bargaining Committee to hold a strike authorization vote. At the same time, our fellow unionized postdocs at Columbia University rallied in support of holding their own strike authorization vote.

Our 23rd bargaining session will be tomorrow from 11:30-1:30pm over Zoom. We hope that Sinai comes prepared tomorrow to make greater progress than in previous sessions. As always, please RSVP here if you can join us; the more postdocs attending bargaining, the more clearly we can convey the urgency of our demand for workplace protections and economic improvements.

Please like and share our posts on Twitter and Instagram so we can continue to amplify our message.

“Enough is enough!” Postdoc Aritz Irizar expressed frustration at Sinai’s tactics to slow bargaining.

“Mount Sinai’s current policies cultivate a malicious, unnecessarily competitive and degrading environment for postdocs to deal with.” Postdoc Hunter Korsmo spoke about the importance of protections against bullying, unfair termination, and for intellectual property rights.

“Our low salary limits our freedom in New York City, the most expensive city in the world.” Postdoc Haoyuan Li spoke about international researcher issues and salary.

“Sinai thinks they can wait for us to stop fighting and leave… we have to fight now!” Postdoc Andrea Joseph gave an update from the bargaining committee.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or thoughts,

Sindhu Vangeti
SPOC-UAW Organizing Committee