As mentioned in our previous membership meeting, we are announcing the opening of elections for Local 4100 executive board positions, Joint Council positions, and steward positions, including positions across both units (Columbia and Mount Sinai). Please see below for the open positions and guidelines. You can send your nomination and candidate statement to the following address:

Please do not hesitate to contact us ( with any questions regarding this election. We hope you will be interested in running for one of the open positions. 

In solidarity,

UAW Local 4100 Elections Committee 

Nominations are hereby declared open on June 10th, 2024 for the UAW Local 4100 Stewards (5 positions), Joint Council (3 positions) and Executive Board (1 positions). 

The following positions are open (see below for a detailed description of roles):

The following steward districts are open (Columbia Only):

  • Columbia steward districts [5 positions – CUMC-5 (X2), MS-1, MS-2, MS-3]

    • See the Columbia steward district map here

The following Joint Council Position is open (Mt Sinai Only):

  • Mt Sinai Joint Council 2 – Unit Recording Secretary

The following Joint Council Position are open (Columbia Only):

  • Columbia Joint Council 2 – Unit Recording Secretary

  • Columbia Joint Council 4 – Head Steward

The following Local 4100 Executive Board positions are open (Columbia or Mt. Sinai):

  • Trustee

All unit members having signed a Local 4100 membership card and meeting the eligibility criteria, as outlined in Article 15 of the UAW Local 4100 bylaws, are automatically considered nominees for positions on the Executive Board and as stewards in their respective districts. In accordance with the bylaws, eligibility requirements for candidates are as follows: candidates for the Executive Board must have maintained continuous good standing for a period of one (1) year preceding the acceptance of nomination, while candidates for the steward position must have maintained continuous good standing for a period of ninety (90) days prior to accepting nomination. As a new unit, these requirements are waived for candidates from Mount Sinai. Some positions are unit specific – listed positions above labeled as “Columbia” or “Mount Sinai” are restricted to members of that unit.

Membership Eligibility Description (per the bylaws):

Membership in this Local Union shall be extended to all employees who have at any time been under titles that come under the jurisdiction of this Local Union. Membership shall be defined as members in good standing as defined in the International Constitution. 

Local 4100 has 29 steward positions, broken up into districts (22 at Columbia and 7 at Mt. Sinai), a Joint Council with proportional representation from each unit (6 members total; 4 from Columbia and 2 from Mt. Sinai), and an Executive Board across the whole local. For this election there are 12 open steward positions, 6 open Joint Council positions and 5 open executive board positions. Each district is a campus, building/s, or lab where postdoctoral academic workers are working. For every 75 workers in a district, one steward will be elected. To learn more about the responsibilities of the stewards, visit the UAW constitution (Article 45) and our Local Bylaws (Article 10). 

Any eligible member in good standing who wishes to accept the nomination for one of the Executive Board or steward positions in their district must indicate their intention, in writing, including the position they wish to run for. You can only run for one position. The acceptance of your nomination in writing must be submitted no later than June 24th, 2024 11:59 EST. Submit your acceptance to the Local 4100 UAW Elections committee by emailing If you have questions about which district you belong to, please reach out to the Elections committee at 

Positions on the Executive Board

The Executive Board positions are elected for a term expiring in June 2027. Officers are allowed to vacate their positions before the end of their terms, in which case the Elections Committee would hold a vacancy election. Click here (or see below) to read more about the responsibilities of the Executive Board Officer positions.

Candidate Statements (Optional)

Each candidate may write and submit a candidate statement of no more than 250 words. These statements will be posted on the Local 4100 UAW website if there are contested elections. Your mailing address, phone number, and personal email address must be included, but will not be counted toward the 250 words. 

It is the responsibility of the candidate to submit the candidate statement, if they choose to have one. All candidate statements must be received by the time nominations close on June 24th, 2024 11:59 EST.

Candidates Meeting 

Following the close of nominations, all candidates in contested districts will meet with the Elections Committee via Zoom. This meeting will determine the order of names on the ballot and the method of mass communications, and address other concerns any candidate may have. This meeting will take place following the close of nominations, but before ballots are sent to members. 

Election Dates, Times and Locations

In the event that the number of eligible candidates who accept nomination for the specified position do not exceed the number of vacant positions, such candidates will be deemed elected by acclamation and no election will be held. 

If there are contested positions, elections will take place online from May 6th-13th. If you are a member of the union, you will receive a ballot in your email and text messages once voting begins. If you wish to participate, you will need to sign a membership card for Columbia Postdoctoral Workers or the Sinai Postdoctoral Organizing Committee. 

  • Election Location: Online

  • Election Start Date: Monday, July 8th at 9:00 am EST

  • Election End Date: Monday, July 15th at 11:50 pm EST

A runoff election, if necessary, will be held at a future date. The details will be announced if necessary.

The following are descriptions of the open roles:

  • Steward: Leads organizing in their District for collective actions and contract enforcement handling for District workers.

  • Head Steward: Oversees Unit Stewards and represents their Unit on the Joint Council.

  • Unit Recording Secretary: Maintains records for their Unit, in addition to the responsibilities of Head Steward.

  • Trustee: Supervise funds and property, audit or cause to semiannually audit by a CPA, make sure Financial Officers follow the rules, see that funds are deposited in the bank appropriately.