Last week, over one hundred postdocs from across Mount Sinai came together at a mass meeting to voice strong support for a strike authorization vote, which would give our elected Bargaining Committee the ability to call a strike if they consider it necessary to win a fair contract.

While we would prefer to not have to strike, last week’s actions made clear that postdocs are ready to send a stronger message to Mount Sinai that our work is essential, and that they can no longer deny us basic workplace rights in areas like unfair termination or discrimination and harassment, or delay needed improvements to  salaries, housing, and benefits that have fallen behind NYC’s cost of living.

More than a year has passed since we voted by 90% to form our union and we have waited long enough. Our strike authorization vote starts on Thursday, August 10, 2023.

Voter Eligibility
Eligible voters are Mount Sinai Postdoctoral Fellows who are currently employed by the institute and who have filled out a SPOC-UAW authorization card or the bargaining survey. If you have not previously signed an authorization card or filled out a bargaining survey, you may do so during the voting period in order to receive your ballot.

Before the vote!

This is our chance to make our voices heard loud and clear to the Sinai administration, and to declare forcefully that unless they make significant progress towards a fair contract, they can expect a strike to follow. We must all come together with one voice to urge Sinai to stop delaying; it is time they agree to a fair contract. 

SPOC-UAW Bargaining Committee

Lukas Bethlehem, Immunology
Andrea Joseph, Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences
Pablo Knobel, Environmental Medicine & Public Health
Elza Rechtman, Environmental Medicine & Public Health
Pooja Viswanathan, Neuroscience

SPOC-UAW Organizing Committee

Paola Bianchimano, Neurology
Natalia Ferressini Gerpe, Microbiology
Aritz Irizar, Genetics & Genomic Sciences
Sina Jostes, Oncological Sciences
Hunter Korsmo, Medicine – Nephrology
Haoyuan Li, Immunobiology
Sindhu Vangeti, Neurology