RSVP to attend the bargaining session on Tuesday, 6/27 at 10am!

A year ago, we achieved an incredible 90% vote in favor of our union. We’ve made significant progress since then, electing a bargaining committee, collecting postdoc surveys, ratifying goals, organizing petitions and rallies, and conducting 20 bargaining sessions with Sinai administration. Despite Sinai’s resistance to scheduling sufficient time at the table, we remain committed to winning a fair contract. So far we have reached tentative agreements on 11 articles, securing many new rights in areas like health and safety, training, and reasonable workloads.

Next Tuesday, our bargaining committee will meet with Sinai for our 21st session,  where we plan to make important counters on job security & just cause protections, and hope to introduce economic proposals in areas such as salary, housing, and parental leave.

To show Sinai that postdocs are united in our efforts to win a fair and strong contract, we want as many postdocs as possible to join us at 10am next Tuesday, June 27 (RSVP here). The session will go until 1pm, but you do not have to stay the entire time.

As an update on our graduate student colleagues, they have recently filed for their own union. Sinai responded yesterday arguing that students are not “employees”– a disappointing effort to deprive our fellow researchers of their rights, making it even clearer why we need to stand together to improve all our working conditions. 

Finally, please join us and other academic workers at the Queer Liberation March this Sunday June 25, at 3pm at the northwest corner of Foley Square by the statue (RSVP here)!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or thoughts,

Sindhu Vangeti
SPOC-UAW Organizing Committee

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