RSVP for our union town hall this Friday at 2pm in Annenberg 13-01!

In the last six months of bargaining, we have made progress in a number of areas, but Sinai has continued to stall negotiations by not scheduling enough time to bargain and refusing to make sufficient progress on basic workplace rights that are increasingly standard for unionized postdocs. These rights include protections against harassment, bullying, and discrimination, more stable and predictable appointments, protections against arbitrary terminations, and a timely and fair grievance process, among other important protections.

Join us for a Town Hall this Friday, April 21 at 2pm, in Annenberg room 13-01 to discuss our strategy for reaching fair agreements on these workplace rights so that we can move on to presenting our economic proposals, including salary, housing and parental benefits. Please RSVP here:

Our bargaining team is working tirelessly towards a contract, and it is critical that we keep increasing the pressure in order to keep moving negotiations forwards. Mount Sinai CAN agree to these protections without financial cost to the institution, and it is disappointing that our institution is FIGHTING US over fair workplace protections.

Additionally, please RSVP here to join us in supporting other unionized workers in New York:

  • Wednesday April 19, 12PM at 94th St and Madison Ave – Strike Rally for Hispanic Society Workers
  • Thursday April 20, 9AM at The Square near 615 West 131st St – Bargaining kickoff for Columbia postdocs and associate research scientists


Paola Bianchimano
SPOC-UAW Organizing Committee