November 18, 2022
On Tuesday, our elected bargaining committee met with the Sinai administration for a short session. Since we have repeatedly expressed an interest in scheduling more sessions and making swift progress on our goals, Sinai’s team agreed to a smaller session attended by four members of their team.
Sinai did not have any counter proposals for us (nine articles still needed counters prior to this session). We discussed the articles on Job Posting and Workspace and Materials, on which Sinai had presented counters at our session last week. Our team had questions and clarifications on the intent of the language proposed by Sinai. Our team returned a counter proposal establishing a Union-Management Committee that we feel is close to a tentative agreement. Track our proposals and counter-proposals here.
For our next bargaining session scheduled on November 22, we asked the Sinai administration to schedule more time for discussion, as we expect to present more counter-proposals then and Sinai’s team said they do as well. Click here to RSVP for one of the currently scheduled sessions.
In other campus news, over 1300 part-time faculty at the New School and 48,000 UAW academic workers at the University of California, including thousands of postdocs, are on strike this week to win fair contracts. Click here to find ways you can support our striking colleagues at UC:
We’ll continue to keep you updated as we go. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or thoughts,
In solidarity,
Pooja Viswanathan
SPOC-UAW Bargaining Committee Member